Free, student-written advice about applying to medical school.

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Crowdsourced from over 1000 medical students in the UK.

👋 Hey there!

We’re a community of students sharing our best advice about applying to medical school.

Our website includes information about medical school interviews, admissions tests, and work experience. It is all written and crowdsourced directly from current students, who have first-hand knowledge of the application process.

Applying can be pretty confusing, especially if you don’t have access to much help. There’s a lot of great information out there, so we want to give you the help we wish we’d had when we were applying.

What’s on our website?

This database of 1000+ student application insights features advice from students currently at university about what it was like to apply, and about their best tips for how to prepare.

We have written these guides to share information and resources about applying to medicine. Check them out to find out about money, different courses, and the best resources available online.

We write blogs about our personal experiences of preparing to apply to medical school, medical school interviews, and what it’s like to be a student doctor in the UK.

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